What does real-time
management mean?
Managing your farm in real time means knowing, at any time, what is happening at each point of production.
It means being able to decide based on what is happening at the farm right now, even if you are not at the farm. Managing your production in real time is a new way of taking care of your business, with the support of resources that help you to be closer to your team on a daily basis and to identify and solve problems that impact your productivity, before they even happen.
How is this possible? Every piece of information you enter in Agriness S4 is no longer just on your computer, inside the farm, waiting for your action. As soon as some of your production data is entered, Agriness S4 analyzes and transforms your information into strategic knowledge to help you see and act quickly on all opportunities that can improve your results. Agriness S4 also communicates with the cooperative or agribusiness you are part of: it means you, your technician and the corporative manager access production data that are always up to date, so that you can decide how to act on what your farm needs today – In real time.
Identification of critical
points in production
P+1 Methodology
in the system
Fast to identify
and solve problems
Integrated production
data in the corporation
Data quality
and security
No installation, update or backup
With Agriness S4 you no longer have to worry about installing or updating your system, or backing up your data. We understand that these are tasks that consume a lot of your time and of everyone who works with any other desktop system to manage the farms. In Agriness S4 all this happens automatically and without interrupting your work, so you can invest 100% of your time in farm management, with the peace of mind of having your data safe with us and always updated – in real time.
One click between on-farm events and decision making
It is now possible to collect and review production data within seconds, using just a smartphone. Agriness S4 has a mobile version that allows, among other features, to collect production events in an integrated manner within the same platform: your team records events during farm handling and the S4 App automatically synchronizes with S4 Web, as soon as the smartphone has an internet connection. Your team gains productivity with updated data in less and less time, so you can make decisions much faster– in real time.
Smart analytics that points out production bottlenecks
Agriness S4 provides a series of intelligent data analysis that your team enters into the system. The analysis result previously done by you and your team, is now automatically presented on the Agriness S4 screen, to help you identify and solve critical issues that impact on farm productivity. We add agility and business intelligence to make system work with your production data.
Quality, security and audit data
All information entered into the Agriness S4 is validated to prevent data entry that is not real in swine production. This ensures data quality, which will always allow you to make the best decisions for your business. In Agriness S4 you can also identify the origin or data source: each entry or transaction is registered and linked to the user who enters the data. In addition to the benefits of data quality, digital certificates guarantee the security of your information, to keep your data accessible only to authorized users.
Convenience at your fingertips
To optimize the routines of the producers and farms in the animal transfer process, S4 manages this operation quickly, safely, and effectively. What was previously done manually, can now be processed in less time and monitored directly on your screen – in real time.
P+1 method
to accelerate
your farm’s
Agriness S4 has resources aligned with P+1, a method to accelerate the productivity of swine farms, created by Agriness and currently used by more than 1000 professionals throughout Latin America. Agriness S4 automatically populates P+1 tools like the Diagnostic Tree and Production Map for your use. With always up-to-date, easy and quickly accessible information, so you can focus to make the best decision for your business – in real time.
Your farm is fully
integrated into
the corporation’s system
Through the internet, the production data entered in Agriness S4 can be consulted by the cooperative or agribusiness. This integration allows the corporate managers to identify critical points in your farm’s index and trigger the technical team to work with you quickly at any point to improve your productivity. You can identify and receive rapid support to resolve issues even before an on-site technician visit – in real time.
Who already uses
the Agriness S4
“In the past, when I couldn’t go to the farm, I couldn’t take the S2 backup. So I was always 10 days or 12 days behind what was going on in the production. Today S4 is on my cell phone, I can access it anytime, on the street, or wherever I am. I can monitor the entire process of the farm and my team on a daily basis. The online tool is the best.”
Cleverson da Silva
Suinocultura Silva 1
Saudades/SC – Brasil
Agriness around the world
Do you want to have more control of your farm and start making decisions for your production in real time?
Fill in your details in the form on the side to receive a contact from an Agriness consultant.
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(48) 98813-4930
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(48) 3028-0015
Our team is available from Monday to Friday, from
8:00A.M. to 12:00P.M. and from 2:00P.M. to 6:00P.M.