The Agriness Way, a process created to encourage our people, began with the Leadership Experience, an initiative of Agriness University focused on promoting self-knowledge, engagement and diversity of thought for leadership development. A special partnership is supporting Agriness in this journey.
Keitiline Viacava, Ph.D., DM.Lab, professor, researcher and consultant in management cognition, who worked for 2 years as a cognitive neuroscientist affiliated to the Department of Neurology at Georgetown University (Washington, D.C.), institution with which Keitiline declares to have the privilege and honor to keep a connection until today. Her job is to help leaders transform ideas into action based on an understanding of how the mind works, by promoting experimentation, risk taking and diversity of thought as a source of innovation.
Keitiline’s proposal for Leadership Experience is the Human Cognitive Analytics methodology, the result of her deep knowledge in human development focused on management and leadership for different business areas. The expression Human Cognitive Analytics refers to the analysis of human cognitive data obtained from the use of technologies in digital neuroscience (tasks or computer games) to consider the processing time of information and generate insights on decision-making styles. The methodology makes it possible to obtain data that allow knowing and analyzing the cognitive diversity of the organization and supports the development of leaderships. There is evidence in research showing that most human thoughts and behaviors happen automatically, guided by habits or environmental triggers, which can hinder or extend the change of attitudes in organizational contexts, as well as the achievement of goals in scenarios of uncertainty. Being aware of these influences, leaders are more likely to reduce the gap between ideas and actions.
According to Keitiline, there is a growing worldwide movement to incorporate neurocognitive methodologies such as the one being applied in Leadership Experience to develop decision making. Besides Agriness, there are other pioneering companies on this front – also focused on leadership – including Google, PWC, Microsoft, Mott MacDonald and Neuroleadership Institute, as well as Agibank, Bem, Braskem, and Votorantim in the Brazilian market.
The insights generated by Agriness leaders throughout the Leadership Experience journey are promoting a space for growth (or gain of autonomy) in decision making processes, which will help leaders understand what to expect and how to manage behaviors in future and uncertain contexts.
For Agriness, the result of this journey will be a greater perception by leaders regarding the complexity of business in the face of uncertainties and risks. At the end of the Leadership Experience journey, leaders will be equipped individually and collectively to explore different mindsets, moving quickly from one way of thinking to another, abandoning old ideas in favor of continuous learning and growth, creating the conditions to increase the speed of response to change through innovation.