INFO360 is held every two years. It is a discussion forum on pig production and agribusiness.
We created this event with the aim of highlighting the importance of information and management for the growth of the Brazilian pig industry. Through this forum we reinforce the importance of exchanging experiences and our certainty that we always have something new to learn or to teach. We gather top professionals and put on the agenda issues that concern us all, anticipating the next developments in the industry.
On each edition, it is our aim to offer participants an unforgettable and life-changing experience that can be reflected in new ways of seeing and managing businesses.
Information is today’s gold. And with over 85% of the Brazilian market – accounting for over 1 and a half million sows – generating and exchanging information via S2, Agriness has set up the most comprehensive and reliable database on the productivity of pig operations.
Today, Big Pig Data is an invaluable source of information that can be accessed on demand, allowing you to design metrics, benchmark and perform studies that contribute both to your business and the entire industry.