Data de publicação: 26/11/2021Categoria: Business management, News
Headquartered in Estrela D’Oeste/SP, Estrela Alimentos, a brand of the FRIGOESTRELA group that used to work only with cattle, expanded the business in 2019, when it started farming pigs in Rio Grande do Sul. As a result, new demands and challenges emerged – among them, the need for a management method that could organize and […]
Data de publicação: 21/01/2021Categoria: Business management, HighlightsTags: benchmarking, comparison, management
Today’s pig farming can no longer be based solely on experience or intuition. There are a number of resources ensuring better choices for a farm´s future, for example the Award for The Best Swine Producer Agriness.
Data de publicação: 23/11/2020Categoria: Business management, Highlights, Information managementTags: farm, management, pig farming, piglets, production potential, swine
Any farm can harness the maximum production potential that its facilities and structure allow, but many farms fail to do so. In order to reach this potential, you have to look at the whole production system, relating farm records to the production process. But where to start?
Data de publicação: 11/11/2020Categoria: Business management, Highlights, Information managementTags: management, pig farming, piglets, swine
The production capacity of a farm is calculated taking into account aspects regarding animal performance and economy. The improvements that are intended to make the most of this capacity should focus on one of the most important stages of the business: delivering animals.
Data de publicação: 07/03/2016Categoria: Business managementTags: productivity
In industry, one of the indicators of productivity is the capacity usage level installed – number of items that the machines are capable of producing.
Data de publicação: 22/02/2016Categoria: Business managementTags: optimal delivery, Thought+1
PENSAMENTO+1 has the so-called optimal delivery of its fundamental concepts, proposing broader view of the results of the farm.