Academy - Agriness

A method focused
on learning.

icones_bankInnovative teaching method: you learn one day and apply the next. Short cycles of learning, practice, and assessment.

icones_computadorAccess: different resources, environments and channels for research and knowledge transfer.

icones_redeNetwork collaboration and knowledge: interact with tutors, mentors and students in each group.

icones_celularAvailability: you can access your content anytime, anywhere, from any device.

icones_lupa_Focus: practical content focused on business, information and people management in pig production.

icones_medalhaExperience: professionals with practical and relevant knowledge in different areas of pig production.

Three ways of learning
adapted to your needs.


Access to content on different platforms: videos, lectures/workshops, discussions, interviews, articles, and podcasts. Do you have questions or wish to share experiences? That is what the discussion forums are for.


The courses are designed with specific learning and training targets. You will have access to complementary content in different formats, exercises focused on application, forums for information exchange and interaction with tutors.


This is the most comprehensive form of learning, with specific panels and courses to improve your knowledge on specific areas. If you wish to become an expert in a specific area of modern pig production, it is worth checking out our programs.

Find out who shares their
knowledge at the academy.


Everton Gubert

Founding partner and Innovation Director at Agriness,
elected one of the 100 most influential people in
the pig industry in 2015. Designer and creator of
Agriness S2 and PENSAMENTO+1.


Junior Salvador

Agriness Partner, Agriculture Technician with
MBA in Business Management, Business Director
and PENSAMENTO+1 expert and consultant.


Mirian de Almeida

Veterinarian and Master in Pig Reproduction,
member of the technical commission of the
Best in Pig Industry project and expert in
Agriness S2 and farm management processes.


Gelson Gubert

Agriness Business Agent for 11 years, delivers
training and education programs on Agriness S2
for customers in Brazil and abroad.


Cristina Bittencourt

Founding partner and Marketing and Technology
Director at Agriness, designer and coordinator
of the Best in the Pig Industry project,
responsible for the management of BigPigData
and Agriness S2.

“It’s worth every cent invested. This was one of the most important lessons I’ve had in my life. Every word, every content in the handouts or comments made by the teachers were and continue to be references for my life, not only for pig production.” Fernando Perazzoli – Student certified in PENSAMENTO+1

“I’m sure that the course was very useful both for me and for my team to improve
the management of farms and businesses. Definitely, the acceleration of results is
totally feasible with this methodology.” Maikel Grasel – Student from the 3rd P1 Class

It is a good idea to set yourself challenges. Shall we start?

Access the Academy