Get to know Agriness

Complete and integrated sow management using S2.

2.200 professional farms using management tools and models.

149 gigabytes of data available to the pig industry in the BigPigData Agriness database.
“Agriness is an innovative company where people are engaged in their work and in the continuous improvement of their processes.”
Mirian de Almeida, Agriness Business Team
“I think I’m a different professional today, now I’m able to bring together knowledge in clinical practice, management and health with a management view and personal relationship. It’s great to work this way!”
Élia Fernanda M. de Campos, UPLs Veterinarian on the P1 Farm Certification

Each one of us matters.

Agriness would not exist without the people who make our work so challenging and fulfilling. By ensuring a diversity of people and perceptions and having a ambitious common goal, Agriness has created a motivational environment that encourages each person to meet their own challenges and to fulfill their dreams. People are at the center of everything we do.